The Homemakers series “Beautifying our Homes”
oday I am hoping to inspire you with my first post in what I consider the Homemakers series. Its safe to say that I am not an end all be all guru but I have learned some things along the way and I hope to inspire those future new ladies homemakers- and maybe veterans too- the way I wish I had someone teach me when I first got started.
This tip fits into the first category – the practical side of homemaking
As you already know, I grew up in a different culture where cleaning ladies were the norm and I have had to learn after moving to the US and specially getting married how to be a homemaker and the importance of tending to and caring for our homes specially because it allows us to cultivate our femine qualities of nurturing and caring, beautifying, and creating.
I don’t believe that making our space beautiful calls for a make over or spending a ton of money but it does call for us to invest our hearts, energy, time, and creativity to make it a peaceful, warm, beautiful, and inviting place.
We do this by keeping it clean, organized, and cozy. This part is particularly important because it requires discipline, specially in the cleaning and organizing of our home, when we do this we are expressing appreciation by lovingly taking care for the blessings we’ve been given (and it is also shaping our hearts).
We not only clean and tend to our homes for us (yes it is scientifically proven a messy home affects the women’s cortisol levels and stress hormones) but also for the good of our spouse, modeling a good example for our kids, and for our friends to feel comfortable. I know of people who would never have guests because of the mess in their homes or I have also been places where would feel so so uncomfortable in their homes due to the mess and poor hygiene that makes me cringe to think of visiting again. Life does not have to be that way!
A weekly cleaning spree allows us to experience and enjoy working with our hands, we get to experience the incredible shaping that cleaning can do for our souls and our character, it makes our space lovely, helps keep track of the state of our house, and it allows us to be prepared to open your home for entretaining guests or friends.
I personally like that with flowers I can quickly beautify the space around me and change it’s energy. That’s why do what I call fluffing up my flowers. By after a week of having an arrangement I take it apart and redistribute the flowers through the house, specially the places I’m most in and could use a quick pick me up when my eyes catches a glimpse of their beauty.
I hope you enjoy reading my post and it inspires you! Please share with any new homemakers you think would enjoy reading my posts and subscribe to get them as emails when new ones come out!
Do you like to beautify your home? What tips can you share with us?
With love,