Spiced Apple Muffins and some emotional baking…
Today I had a bit of an emotional meltdown… sigh… we drove by aunt R. to drop off the kiddos. It is so hard when loved ones are sick and we are faced to wrestle with the big questions... why them? why her? why like this? such a holy and loving person.
So, naturally that triggered me thinking of my actual sister “Tia Lety” who’s in heaven since January ( something we were not prepared for and was totally unexpected…)
Both thoughts going round and round in my head sent me on a baking spiral. I noticed I anxious clean and emotional bake, who knew?! Fascinating… not sure it was the best thing to do in my surgical recovery, journaling might have been a better idea, but oh well… we have lots of muffins in the freezer now.
I took out the bag of frozen apples our friend from tea with toddlers gave us a while back and you helped me turned this apple spice cake recipe into muffins.
I like doing these types of cakes in muffin tins because it makes it easier to just plop one out of the freezer as snack or breakfast, lunchbox, etc. Specially if you are single, it’s nice to bake and not have a giant cake you need to eat like I was telling uncle G. The day he drove us around to deliver flowers (mini muffin tins are super practical too or for a fancy dinner a pretty pan like this one just make sure if you are going to buy a pan make it practical and something you can use many times/years to come)
Remember my letter on frugal living? Baking from scratch and freezing is a cheaper way to have snacks and desserts ready… yesterday we saved almost 40$ in desserts to bring for dinners since the fancy ice cream is the only one that wont give me a tummy ache and I get mortified when people buy it just for me lol (I really try to not be that picky person you can’t invite over for dinner because they don’t like a bunch food lol)
Back to the topic, when I told you I went on a cazy baking spree, I was not exagerating!These were just a few of the stuff that came out of the oven…
Here is the recipe
Apple spice cake
Mix together:
3 eggs beaten
1 cup of oil
2 cups of sugar
2 cups of chopped in small squares or grated apples
Sift together:
3 cups of flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp nutmeg (next time I think I’ll make it less, just me personally not used to nutmeg tastes overpowering)
3tsp cinnamon
Add extra if wanted
1 cup of chopped nuts
1 cup of rasins (not sure about this one but the combination tastes good in the oatmeal)
Mix the dry sifted ingredients with the wet ones
Grease 2 loaves of bread, or a cake pan or muffin tins, or mini muffin tins (so many more options the world is your oyster lol)
Bake at 325 °F for 1 hour
Now enjoy the fall smell that will surround your home as they bake!
Let me know how yours turn out and don’t forget to share with friends that will enjoy this recipe and blog as well
With love,
Ps: sometimes my blog posts include amazon affiliate links, that means amazon paid us a percentage of what people buy but they don’t charge them extra money for it and it helped our little family to buy food, clothes, and things we need… thank you!