We’ve got “Fall Fever” and fluffy pancakes to show it!
there is nothing in this world I find more beautiful than the sound of you laughing playing in the fall leaves, under a bright blue sky, while a cool crisp breeze blows by making the most stunning colored leaves come alive once more as they dance in their way to the ground.
Living in the Pacific Northwest I have gotten the amazing treat of experiencing fall, the colors, the flavors, the smells… can you tell I love everything about fall?! You sure can by the “look! Look at those leaves” I scream in excitement every five minutes while we drive anywhere lol.
And the amount of fun we have stepping in the acorns at\n grampas house and dodging the acorns as we run around (remember the blue jay that was chucking acorns at us on purpose?! And opening them to explore the inside including the treasured worms that like to hide in them?! How about collecting them for “Mr peanuts” our “pet” squirrel?!
I hope those are in your little mental memory box and when you see the signs of fall like the colors of the leaves and the acorns they make you smile as you think of me and how I tried to teach you to hold on to moments, not trading them for what’s next or those already gone, but letting the time you have been gifted with at the moment actually matter.
Lets do a little stroll down memory lane shall we?
Oh I am sure we will gather much more as years go by but since I haven’t written here for a while I decided to catch us up a bit
Now I am sure you want mama’s fluffiest pancake recipe, since we make them every fall with the cookie cutters (or you can use these fun shaped pancake molds to make it easier) do you remember how daddy makes them? always spray pam so the batter doesn’t stick and pour with a spoon, and when the cookie cutters are all metal they will be HOT so be careful (I guess I will be saying “be careful” for the rest of my life) thats why I particularly like to use cookie cutters like these because the plastic protects our hands. Oh and never ever use cookie cutters that are painted or the paint will leak into the batter (learned that the hard way with some orange pumpkin ones)
For the regular pancakes omit the pumpkin and spices… can you tell it’s a well loved recipe?! Oh and it serves 4
Happy fall!!!
Oh I thought you’d enjoy this video too
Yeah, you were not amused unlike in this one
Or this one