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oh joy


When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. – Buddha

I love this quote, it is so true, Joy has something very pure and innocent about it. It is a feeling that reminds us of the innocence of childhood and all its endless pleasures.

I often try to see the world around me through new eyes, even though I might have seen the same things over and over for years I love to see them like it is the 1st time or like it is my last time, it creates a rush of joy in my soul and reminds me to soak it all up and really be in the moment living the experience. The view of the mountains, the sunset and sunrise, the waves of the ocean, the intricate sea shells, the seeds growing into delicious food in our plates, the trees producing fruit, the colors of the trees change in fall, the cool crisp morning, the sparkly frost, the new leaves poking through in spring, the smell of cinnamon or rain or flowers, etc.

A pure mind, open to the charm of the world, can find joy everywhere.

How would you see and experience things differently if it was the 1st time, or last time, you saw them?

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