Random and unexpected Monday at the Park…
“When we are distracted with our phones and social media we are telling those we are with: I’d rather be somewhere else or with someone else (watching their lives) than to be present here with you now, you are not worth me giving you my time and attention”… let that sink in like I had to when I first heard that… powerful right? I remember taking out my phone to check something quickly and not realize how it must seem to my little one or my loved ones or friends is one of the reasons why I gave up social media you can read it here in my blog.
Today as we went on a out of the blue random family walk to the park, sponsored by my little one’s cold, yup that meant no school or work whoop whoop! I noticed how much my attitude has changed.
Normally I am always, when I say always, I really mean always taking pictures, if you know me thats not news to you but today felt different. I was taking pictures for the joy of it not planning on sharing them for my “insta stories” although I did thought of the blog since it is merging into my photo and writing area now that I don’t have social media.
It was freeing to just be, completely present, nothing competing for my attention… my new motto is: the world can wait and if it is truly important it will find it’s way to me… I still have the temptation to check on what is going on? what am I missing out on? What’s new?… Can you tell I have a bad case of FOMO (fear of missing out)? but kept reminding myself “nothing, I am missing out on nothing” I am where I am supposed to be, with the people I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing! Switching to JOMO (joy of missing out) not easy but still trying.
So we enjoyed a beautiful morning walk, my loved ones got to hear me say “mira!” (Look) with crazy excitement and humoring me for what must have seemed like hundreds of times every time I spotted the leaves changing colors as the trees welcome the change in season… my favorite season… fall!
We found wormies on the leaves, and steared at flies waiting to be lunch on spider webs, spotted lots of helicopter seeds ( what’s that? Those little seeds that if you throw them in the air they look like helicopter propellers as they fall to the ground, I’m sure I have a picture or 10 lol), and giant acorns. We watched the squirrels hop and made noises at them just to see them stop and get frustrated. We even spotted a few falcons and got to hear my little one explain all about falcons thanks to the Kratt creatures TV show lol. We read about the acorn woodpecker, garden snake, muskrats, turtles, and salmon on the park signs. We smelled the pines and breathed in the cool crisp morning. We listened to the birds, the ducks, and the river as we walked by. We didn’t see any turtles this time or find any muskrats even though we ventured by the swampy area but we did collect many fall treasures aka leaves and ended up at the playground for a bit for good measure.
Even though I am not sharing the pictures on my istagram or facebook anymore I would still like to share them and bring you guys along on our adventures and just humor me at the many many many pictures of colorful leaves and trees!