Why I felt like I betrayed the Sisterhood when I stayed home
It has been a while since I decided to stop "working" and focus on my family (yes I still paint and sell my paintings as prints and postcards HERE but I am not active in the workforce). And since that moment I have had this nagging feeling, it shows up with more intensity with the feminism marches and movement out there, but I feel like I am betraying some kind of sisterhood! lol its kind of funny to write it out and say it out loud but its true, is anyone else out there feeling this way?
I feel like I am betraying "them" all the woman who worked and are working so hard for freedom, for us to work, to succeed, etc. and when I tell people I want to be a home maker it’s like I am betraying some sort code, “what? Why? After Women have worked so hard to get out of that role of the slaves at home with no say and can actually work and make something of themselves..." it feels like knife in the back betrayal to all those women because I actually want and like to stay at home, make sure I am there emotionally and physically for my family, and if not my heart and soul aches to focus on them and their well being.
But you know what, It has taken me lots of prayer, meditation, and journaling to figure out how to calm this feeling (I said calm I haven't figured out how to shush this pressure from society yet but working on it!) I came to the conclusion that NO, I am not betraying the sisterhood, those women did work hard for us to have the option and the choice to work and be major CEO’s and doctors and everything we can possibly dream of AND to work at making a home if we felt like it. It is not that stays at home moms/wives are not successful, we are successful, that’s the beauty of life, we all get to define what success means for us. We live in a culture of hustling and if you don’t make a lot of money you are playing it small, making us to want to constantly prove ourselves, but each soul shines differently and we need to tune out the world and ask what do we really want? What brings us joy? Because when you truly want one thing and then doing something different only brings sadness and pain, yup been there done that! I guess this is how we keep ourselves from being happy, we listen to everyone around us, we focus on “what will they say if...”, on “I should...” that were planted in our heads by someone else’s beliefs, and we don’t give ourselves permission to just enjoy life. And I do not want to be a part of a judgmental but one that is encouraging to other women no matter what path they choose to follow!
I would like to invite you all to join me in creating a supporting "sisterhood" and celebrate other women in your life, question every “should” that pops into our heads, tune out the pressures imposed by society and DO what feels right for you, define what success is on YOUR terms, and make it your mission to see how happy you can be and how many women you can lift up along the way!
Have a wonderful day
ps: this is not an article meant to insult anybody or attack working moms or stay at home moms or any other kind of women out there, this is based on my own experience, what I have felt, what i have discovered, and might benefit someone at some point or another to read it... obviously some women don't have the luxury or choice to stay at home and that's another story but its not my path and I am eternally grateful to God for giving me the possibility to focus on my family
pss: I think its dumb to have to state at the bottom a disclaimer but now a days so many people get insulted by so many things that I have to cover my back and avoid random hate posts of people who feel insulted or got their feelings hurt (hmmm I guess this might end up being a post for another day lol seems like I can rant quite a bit about it) its my opinion and we all get to have our own opinions