It’s ok to slow down


This week after surgery I have had not only to slow down but stop completely and rest. Who would have guessed it would be so uncomfortable for me (I guess my hubby did lol) I’ve had to sit, literally, in my discomfort, on me feeling like I’m not enough because I am not doing, cleaning, achieving, etc.

But after a good prayer and time journaling I ended up with the conclusion that I don’t have to earn my worth, I don’t have to work to the point of exhaustion to prove I am worthy, it doesn’t matter what I do or don’t do today God still loves me, I matter, I am enough.

That I am still valuable not because of all the laundry I managed to clean and fold, keeping my house spotless, selling flower arrangements and helping provide for the family, cooking wholesome meals, or managing to finish my to-do list… but because I have been made in the image of God.

Yes, actions do matter but they don’t define us!

It’s ok to rest when we need to, it’s ok to have a slow simple life and going against the bussy, hustling, over achieving society. We do not have to prove our worth, we don’t have to earn God’s love or grace. That is a gift freely given and payed by Christ on the cross.

It’s ok to let go and walk in His grace today and every day, not because we frantically earned it but because Jesus did and we are loved for who we are.

And just remind yourself like I am

“Ordinary days hold extra ordinary grace”.

With love,


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