Finding my way through the contrasts of life

 Hi little one,

Today I am pondering how life is full of contrasts and how only by the Grace of God we are able to navigate them… to celebrate happy events in the midst of mourning a loss, to feel both joy and sorrow simultaneously…

Today we celebrated your grampas in their 46 year anniversary and yet is also the one year of the last time we had dinner with Tia Lety in Florida together as a family in this world.

This year keeps reminding me why it’s important to make the effort, even thought sometimes it requires time or monetary sacrifice, to spend time with loved ones… specially family because we never know when they will be called back home and all that we are left with are the memories- even the simple and mundane times spent together- the laughter shared, the stories, the love…

I hope you never loose yourself in this world, get blinded by the “successes” our society dictates (the degrees, the $, the big house, the fancy cars, the stuff…) But always have your compass set on what really matters in the end -your relationship with God, family, helping and loving others- you may have to stop and re-calibrate often but it will help you navigate though this life as you make your way home and serve as a guiding light to others in the process, remember what I always say: in the end we are all walking each other home ….

With Love,


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