Social media and the Holidays

With the Holidays around the corner we will be very tempted to compare ourselves with others specially on social media, yes I know because I am already finding myself falling into that trap while looking at pretty pictures of houses decorated for holidays, amazing meals beautifully prepared, etc.

 I need to remind myself: guess what? your life and path is not the same as other people's and what you see in social media is just a tiny well manicured glimpse into their lives. 

We are all human, we all struggle, make mistakes, have bad days, kids flip out in really embarrassing ways,  houses look like tornadoes went through, and thats ok, its life... sometimes we forget that to make pretty magazine like pictures theres an army of people behind the scenes with special lighting and cameras  and makeup people -or- they only share the pictures where the angle was flattering and are standing in a way that hides the mama pouch (yup i know, I have done both). 

So, I ask you to please as you scroll down social media keep yourself from believing the lie that everyone has it "all together" while you feel like you are not enough (not smart enough, rich enough, skinny enough, organized enough,  smart enough...bla bla bla) 

Don't allow social media to steal your joy! You are not only enough but also amazing the way you and your home and your family are!

Happiness comes from contentment and peace within yourself and focusing on gratitude for the blessings God has given you 😙

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