Be the one

I would like to invite you to join me in being *the one*.

My mother always said "if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all" well I disagree with that, I believe "you should be the person who always thinks of a kind thing to say". Your kind words may be something that person may carry in their heart for ever and it may even change their lives. 

Go out of your way to think and say something kind to those people who look insecure, uncomfortable and left out; they are easy to spot, they are the ones who look sad or sometimes a little angy, when you do you will see their relief on face. 

I think there is no job more important than that of being kind. BE THE ONE
*be the one who thinks of a nice thing to say *be the one who shows up when no one else does 
*be the one who extends and invite and welcomes someone from outside the circle *be the one who imitates Christ and follows his commandment to love one another (no matter if th ey behave or believe different than you do) 

Sadly we live in a world that is quick to judge, ridicule, belittle, and condemn but you can *be the one*. And when you do, that look of relief you see in people's faces will feel better than any award, trophy,  invite, new gadget, or anything you can dream of. 

You will never regret being kind.

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