Marveling at Irony of God's ways
When I was a kid I was that one girl who would get in trouble for skipping mass at school (sorry parents, I did, not sure if you knew but now you do lol) I would hide in the bathroom with a few friends and one time I got expelled for one day for it. I didn't really care much to learn about my faith. Yes, I was baptized and we went to mass but I was always taught: not too much & not too little (ni muy muy ni tan tan) so I kind of just got by in a way. I did my first communion because that is what you do and confirmation in case I wanted to get married someday I had saved myself the hassle of having to go to classes later on, kind of a sad way to see it right?
It wasn't until after I got married and had a little one that I started paying a bit more attention to my faith. I had always suffered from anxiety and a feeling of being lost, emptiness, lack of peace but it wasn't until that infamous Christmas 2014 where I literally died for 9 seconds that I started to see the way I was living had to change and to be honest it freaked me out to the point that I quietly began to develop deeper relationship with God once more.
I read and prayed and the more I did the more at peace I felt, I began keeping a journal and asking God for guidance (guidance as a person, as a mom, etc) and started noticing my life began to take interesting turns almost like little coincidences came my way, people recommending books and podcasts, following people on Instagram, friendships came out of the blue with people who deepened my faith, my brother in law kept bringing up fascinating debated about our faith, and one day I got a call from the Pastor of our church asking if I would like to sponsor someone to the Catholic Church.
To be honest when I got that call I was like what? me? thinking "wow this is out of the blue" but it must have been the Holy Spirit that talked through me because I said YES and that meant committing every Wednesday night to a 3 hr class about my faith (I am very careful about my calendar a making sure I minimize my commitments so I can focus on family and a slow life). Going to RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) was the most life altering experience EVER. I learned things I had never known before... I was the catholic there that had no idea about anything Catholic, a tad, VERY embarrassing, but also humbling and I was not afraid to look dumb I kept asking questions and more questions learning and finding out the why? to many things I didn't even know existed.
Easter came and went, the lady I sponsored became a Catholic and I moved on with life. Until again the same Pastor came to me but this time he asked if I would be willing to teach... I was flabbergasted... like "who? me? are you sure? ummm what?" lol again the Holy Spirit must have moved my head and said YES because to be honest I still don't see it. Maybe it's because I was once lost and I know what those people are going through in a sense, specially the fallen away Catholics? maybe it's my experience with other religions that make me more approachable? maybe if that God is guiding me to teach so I learn more about things? I don't know. But as I sit here on my couch preparing my first class "the Liturgical Calendar" all I can think about is how God must be looking down at me with a smirk on his face seeing the irony of my old ways and the path he has set before me lol and if He is not, I definitely am!
It wasn't until after I got married and had a little one that I started paying a bit more attention to my faith. I had always suffered from anxiety and a feeling of being lost, emptiness, lack of peace but it wasn't until that infamous Christmas 2014 where I literally died for 9 seconds that I started to see the way I was living had to change and to be honest it freaked me out to the point that I quietly began to develop deeper relationship with God once more.
I read and prayed and the more I did the more at peace I felt, I began keeping a journal and asking God for guidance (guidance as a person, as a mom, etc) and started noticing my life began to take interesting turns almost like little coincidences came my way, people recommending books and podcasts, following people on Instagram, friendships came out of the blue with people who deepened my faith, my brother in law kept bringing up fascinating debated about our faith, and one day I got a call from the Pastor of our church asking if I would like to sponsor someone to the Catholic Church.
To be honest when I got that call I was like what? me? thinking "wow this is out of the blue" but it must have been the Holy Spirit that talked through me because I said YES and that meant committing every Wednesday night to a 3 hr class about my faith (I am very careful about my calendar a making sure I minimize my commitments so I can focus on family and a slow life). Going to RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) was the most life altering experience EVER. I learned things I had never known before... I was the catholic there that had no idea about anything Catholic, a tad, VERY embarrassing, but also humbling and I was not afraid to look dumb I kept asking questions and more questions learning and finding out the why? to many things I didn't even know existed.
Easter came and went, the lady I sponsored became a Catholic and I moved on with life. Until again the same Pastor came to me but this time he asked if I would be willing to teach... I was flabbergasted... like "who? me? are you sure? ummm what?" lol again the Holy Spirit must have moved my head and said YES because to be honest I still don't see it. Maybe it's because I was once lost and I know what those people are going through in a sense, specially the fallen away Catholics? maybe it's my experience with other religions that make me more approachable? maybe if that God is guiding me to teach so I learn more about things? I don't know. But as I sit here on my couch preparing my first class "the Liturgical Calendar" all I can think about is how God must be looking down at me with a smirk on his face seeing the irony of my old ways and the path he has set before me lol and if He is not, I definitely am!
Feel free to write in the comments if you have any questions about the Christian Catholic Faith, it will help me prepare for my classes too! and if I don't know the answer I will make sure I find out for you