Holidays worries

Today Im preaching not only to me but to all those worry-ers out there, because I know I'm not alone 😉
The #holidays are around the corner and I keep finding myself worrying and focusing on the worst case scenario and i have to stop and remind myself of how much time I waste worrying about stuff that in the end doesn't even matter, and 99% of the time never actually happens. Worry is such a useless emotion, it doesn't solve anything and it won't keep things from happening, it only stops us from enjoying the good we have now. You guys, I know this and worry still shows up at my door, but now I don't worry nearly as much as I used to and it's because I have trained myself into a new way of being (still working at it). If something is not useful why engage in it? You can't run or hide from worry, beleive me I have tried lol the only way is to release your worry to God and train your mind to focus on something more useful... what emotion would be more useful to you?

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