My views on the Superbowl Half time show…
Ok guys massive rant coming but I can’t help it I need to speak up and I am sure some of you won’t agree with me and that’s ok.
I was so dissapointed with the half time superbowl show, it’s insulting!
If I don’t want my husband to go to a strip club and be aroused by other women dancing half naked on a pole why in the world would I be ok with that on tv?
I get people who are their fan’s, fine go pay to see them in concerts, you know what you are paying for you have the choice (like people who payed to watch game of thrones) but for families and friends gathered together to be thrown that in their faces on a “family friendly” sports show?!
I feel sorry for so many guys who struggle with porn addiction and couples that struggle with that issue and here is culture rubbing it in their faces. I would be so mad for my son (if I had one) to be introduced to it in tv like that or my daughter to see that and think it’s ok.
Seems like women want to be empowered but the only way they think they can do that is by acting like men or being half naked sex objects?
And the sad thing other latinas praising saying “latina power” (and women in general saying “women power”)seriously? soooo you are not only ok but actually proud to keep the world’s idea that latinas (and women in general) are to be viewed as sex objects instead of smart, capable, dignified, talented women?
I’m not! As a latina and a woman I find it highly degrading.
The worst part is they are amazing artists they don’t need to be wearing a glorified swimsuit and explicit dancing to put on an amazing show even if it’s their “thing” they could have adapted to a wide range of audience including kids and it would have shown even more talent if they had been able to come up with something better vs going the easy way.
I think #pepsi and the #nfl should apologize .
Rant over- thanks for reading and I’m curious what you thought about it