Last night’s “Aha moment”

 Last night a reader’s comment was really getting under my skin but I tried letting it go and going to bed.

About what seemed like an eternity, probably 10 mins, I decided to pray and hand it over to our heavenly father. As I prayed I said “I surrender this thoughts and feelings and issue to you, please take them so I can sleep”.

Not much time later I could see in my mind this image of what I imagine Jesus looks like smiling and almost laughing but with a kind face (that one a super loving patient parent would give it’s little toddler) and saying “ok, I’ll take it but you have to actually open your hands and give it to me” and I saw myself there standing in front of Him clenching something in my hands so tight they looked like fists.

I opened my eyes and started laughing! That was so spot on! how many times do we surrender something to God only to keep holding on to it and marinating in it? it’s like: here take it but I’m not letting you take it because I don’t want to let go but I want you to take it and help me but I don’t want to give it to you…

The beautiful thing is how He won’t rip it off our hands, he won’t open our fists, WE have to open our hands and actually hand it over, while He patiently stands there waiting for us to let go and trust.

I’m sharing this in case anyone else out there having rhe same issue I was having last night of trying to hand something over and yet still clenching my hands around it


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