Have Mercy

 With everything going on in this country and world my mind and soul keep comming back to the Mercy Chaplet.

For those unfamiliar with this prayer it came from Jesus appearing to a nun, now Saint, Faustina who wrote all of it in her diary. I will share parts of her diary where it is highlighted the importance of the prayer.

It was intended primarily as a prayer of intercession, a way of opening the floodgates to the Father’s mercy, so that He can pour out His merciful love upon the world through His Son. 

It is hard for me to watch how many people support a political party that is ok with abortion. I often wonder as a Christian if I voted for that party would I be asked to answer for all those lost babies and lost souls at judgment day? Just that thought sends shivers down my spine. I have to accept though that even though I have an issue with the personality of the leader I still need to put my personal judgements about the person aside and focus on the bigger picture: what the party stands for and against.

Jeremiah 1 1

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;…”

I am sharing this post because we all need to come to Jesus, we are all in need of God’s mercy, and not just this country but the world are in desperate need of it. And it is quite a comforting prayer when your mind and soul are heavy with everything going on.

Sometimes when praying in private I like to offer each and every bead of the Chaplet for the needs of someone or some situation. For example, on one bead I will say: “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on – I name a person or situation” – “and on the whole world.”

“Jesus I trust in you”

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