Afraid of COVID?

 I feel like life is overflowing with craziness, its is not that I believe COVID is a farce, I do accept the fact that there is a virus, yes it is deadly but I also see the statistics where it shows has a high % of survival rate *I do want to share my condolences to those who have lost family and friends to it* and I also agree people should be cautious, take care of themselves, and use common sense.

BUT I also accept and have always been aware that death has always been on the table, it is a part of life, no matter what we do there is a higher power that is in control and when our time comes it will come. I am sure you have heard of cases, I lived it with my sister dying in her sleep the night before her son’s wedding, and we can also see the opposite situation in all those other instances that people survive against all odds.

I think maybe I just have been around death so much in my life that I have made my peace with it and my faith helps to remind me I am not meant to live here for ever but in heaven and in the end it’s not up to me, I am not in control but there is a higher power that is and THAT gives me a lot of peace.

I  am ofcourse not actively going out looking for trouble and risking myself, I don’t deliver flowers to the hospital just in case, or do reckless things. But I am not going to stop living either, we as humans are not meant to live in fear, fear and stress actually lower our inmune system. I beleive we came to this life to experience it: the joy, the sorrow, the love, and the struggles. I am going to trust, have faith, and exercise common sense.

Like today we went blueberry picking and made beautiful memories as a family if I get COVID and die (I could also get T boned by a car at any time) so be it, I will trust God has a grater plan, He will take care of my family, and I leave them with beautiful memories. Our lives are not ours, our loved ones are not ours, we are lent to each other for a time. I know how painful sorrow can be when they get called back but there is also comfort in knowing it is only a matter of time, we are all going to be called home. But in the mean time we are meant to love, be kind, trust, pray, and live in Faith.

Do what you think it’s right for you and your family, I am not urging anyone to be reckless but to use common sense, wash your hands, eat right, excersise, get vit D, go outside, be kind, love one another, cherish your friends and family, and specially pray- pray for guidance and wisdom-  trust in the Lord put your lives in His hands and your fears at the foot of the cross and ask Mary to be a mother to you now as well as in moments of fear, stress, and anxiety and to pray and intercede for you.


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