
Showing posts from November, 2018

Evidence of a life well lived

With this I say good bye for the Holidays to social media but the blog will remain active I want evidence of a Holiday well lived and when I am 90 I will be celebrating : - not because I had a spotless house each day but the beautiful mess I made while living -it wont be because I looked perfect & my hair was beautifully done but because I rolled down the windows, felt the cold air in my face & sang out loud to christmas music -it wont be because I hustled and logged long hours of work but because I had countless hours laughing with friends & family -it wont be because I crossed off all my to do lists or did more in a day than a normal person could do in a week but because I took time to look at a leaf, stare at the stars, sipped hot cocoa, held my child's hand & slowly walked wit her intead of rushing around. -it won't be because o the degrees decorating my wall but because I followed my heart, passions, & the longing of my soul -it wont be because I worrie...

How to be grateful when we don't FEEL grateful

Thanksgiving is comming up and is a day where we are meant to focus on all the things we are grateful for and sometimes we end up showing up with a list of complaints rather than gratitudes. I know because have been on both sides of the coin.  When I struggle to be grateful it's not that I don't have anything to be grateful for but it's more like I have not diagnosed my heart for discontent, fear, anxiety and all the things that could be clouding my heart, weigh me down and keeping me from seing my those moments I make it a habit to 1- I label and name it, what ever it is that is driving me to be ungrateful and clowding my vision. That way instead of letting it consume me once I name it I can ask God for help to see his goodness woven into the tapestry of my life. 2- I grab a journal and make a list of all my answered prayers, all that He has given me and it helps me refocus. 3- I start thanking God in advance for the blessings he Will be giving me instead of...

3D's of Thanksgiving

With #thanksgiving right around the corner I wanted to share with you this tip: focus on the 3 D of life... Delete, Delegate, or Delight... what is important is to enjoy your family, everyone being together and not be a stressed out basket case cranky and snappy (yup me yesterday... see I still struggle too)  DELETE: dont feel guilty that you decided to bake just 1 pie not 3 types of pies or that you are simplifying the holidays and not doing what your parents did or inlaws do... its ok  DELEGATE: hate to break it to you but you are not an island of your own or have to be super woman (yes I struggle with this too) you can ask people to bring sides, you can serve in paper plates, you can buy your mashed potatoes from a box, or buy the turkey already cooked, or splurge and hire someone to clean your house, have the kids wash the dishes... take some of the weight off your shoulders, its ok, your sanity is more important...  DELIGHT: yup there are some instanc...

How will you use your story?

We all have a painful story in our lives. Some of us might have a really painful story and some might have ones that in comparison are not as bad, some have one and some have many. But that’s beside the point, because no matter the degree of the experience the common thing is that we have all felt incredible pain, and sometimes resentment and anger from it. The thing is we have been shackled to that pain for I don’t know how many years, being prisoners of the experience, re-living the pain and anger every time those memories pop up or get triggered. But what I have learned is that we have the power to choose either to keep being a victim to the painful story or letting it empower us into becoming the heroes, and yes it is a choice.   I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, because I have been there believe it or not, I have many stories of many “degrees” of pain from miscarriages, to bullying, rejection, abuse, and more. What I realized is when the memory pops up I can eithe...

Social media and the Holidays

With the Holidays around the corner we will be very tempted to compare ourselves with others specially on social media, yes I know because I am already finding myself falling into that trap while looking at pretty pictures of houses decorated for holidays, amazing meals beautifully prepared, etc.  I need to remind myself: guess what? your life and path is not the same as other people's and what you see in social media is just a tiny well manicured glimpse into their lives.  We are all human, we all struggle, make mistakes, have bad days, kids flip out in really embarrassing ways,  houses look like tornadoes went through, and thats ok, its life... sometimes we forget that to make pretty magazine like pictures theres an army of people behind the scenes with special lighting and cameras  and makeup people -or- they only share the pictures where the angle was flattering and are standing in a way that hides the mama pouch (yup i know, I have done both).  ...

Going throught the tunnel

As a CBT practitioner I have learned that what we resist persists. We as humans don't like suffering but the only way out of the tunnel is through.  Yet we try to run from it, go around it, under it, over it... but not through it because it means we have to FEEL and we don't like being uncomfortable. But guess what? in the long run we end suffering soooo much more because by trying to avoid feeling our feelings and "suffering" we end up over eatting (yup I gained 10lbs in October because of it), over shopping, drinking, panic attacks, etc.  This totally resonated with me in RCIA yesterday because we talked about the Paschal Mysteries, the suffering-death-resurrection of Christ. And how if we live life fully we will run into suffering-death-resurrection  as well. We have to embrace "suffering" feeling our feelings and discomfort, "die to ourselves" by going through the tunnel, and putting ourselves at the foot of the cross in prayer so we ca...

Be the one

I would like to invite you to join me in being *the one*. My mother always said "if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all" well I disagree with that, I believe "you should be the person who always thinks of a kind thing to say". Your kind words may be something that person may carry in their heart for ever and it may even change their lives.  Go out of your way to think and say something kind to those people who look insecure, uncomfortable and left out; they are easy to spot, they are the ones who look sad or sometimes a little angy, when you do you will see their relief on face.  I think there is no job more important than that of being kind. BE THE ONE *be the one who thinks of a nice thing to say *be the one who shows up when no one else does  *be the one who extends and invite and welcomes someone from outside the circle *be the one who imitates Christ and follows his commandment to love one another (no matter if th ey behave...

What we complain about someone is praying for...

"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude" Cynthia Ozick Even if your life is far from perfect it is important to keep things in perspective, many people wish they had what you have.  As the holidays get near and the stresses arise its important to keep this in mind, specially for us mamas to focus more on gratitude. Instead of complaining about toys all over the floor or late night feedings, new born exhaustion? be grateful that you have kiddos that fill your home with love and joy, many women out there are praying to conceive; having to cook? Be grateful you can give your family a meal unlike many people in 3rd world countries; soooo much laundry? You have a healthy family you get to take care of and dress and running water and washing machines that do the work for you many people who don't have water; your work is stressful and draining? It provides with money to live a comfortable life, many people are struggling to find ...

Holidays worries

Today Im preaching not only to me but to all those worry-ers out there, because I know I'm not alone 😉 The #holidays are around the corner and I keep finding myself worrying and focusing on the worst case scenario and i have to stop and remind myself of how much time I waste worrying about stuff that in the end doesn't even matter, and 99% of the time never actually happens. Worry is such a useless emotion, it doesn't solve anything and it won't keep things from happening, it only stops us from enjoying the good we have now. You guys, I know this and worry still shows up at my door, but now I don't worry nearly as much as I used to and it's because I have trained myself into a new way of being (still working at it). If something is not useful why engage in it? You can't run or hide from worry, beleive me I have tried lol the only way is to release your worry to God and train your mind to focus on something more useful... what emotion would be more use...

Marveling at Irony of God's ways

When I was a kid I was that one girl who would get in trouble for skipping mass at school (sorry parents, I did, not sure if you knew but now you do lol) I would hide in the bathroom with a few friends and one time I got expelled for one day for it. I didn't really care much to learn about my faith. Yes, I was baptized and we went to mass but I was always taught: not too much & not too little (ni muy muy ni tan tan) so I kind of just got by in a way. I did my first communion because that is what you do and confirmation in case I wanted to get married someday I had saved myself the hassle of having to go to classes later on, kind of a sad way to see it right? It wasn't until after I got married and had a little one that I started paying a bit more attention to my faith. I had always suffered from anxiety and a feeling of being lost, emptiness, lack of peace but it wasn't until that infamous Christmas 2014 where I literally died for 9 seconds that I started to see the w...