Evidence of a life well lived
With this I say good bye for the Holidays to social media but the blog will remain active I want evidence of a Holiday well lived and when I am 90 I will be celebrating : - not because I had a spotless house each day but the beautiful mess I made while living -it wont be because I looked perfect & my hair was beautifully done but because I rolled down the windows, felt the cold air in my face & sang out loud to christmas music -it wont be because I hustled and logged long hours of work but because I had countless hours laughing with friends & family -it wont be because I crossed off all my to do lists or did more in a day than a normal person could do in a week but because I took time to look at a leaf, stare at the stars, sipped hot cocoa, held my child's hand & slowly walked wit her intead of rushing around. -it won't be because o the degrees decorating my wall but because I followed my heart, passions, & the longing of my soul -it wont be because I worrie...