We are in a time of war…

Yes, we are in a time of war, with a virus- corona virus / COVID-19, and the soldiers in the front lines are the doctors, nurses, and first responders.

They are human like us. That means they are also feeling the same anxiety, uncertainly, and fear; not only for their lives for also for their families. They made an oath to get up in the morning get dressed and show up every day even if that means putting their lives at risk for others. They are someone’s father, mother, sister, brother, daughter, son, friend, etc.

Did you know hospitals and doctors offices are running out of supplies? I will share the post from my friend, she’s a pediatrician.

NOW my fellow Christian’s this is the time to be THE HANDS AND FEET OF JESUS and their Angels.

People say theres nothing we can do, it is out of our control, so we might as well not stress about it. I highly disagree, there is something we can do. There are things we have control over

We can be generous with our time. By this I mean not spending our whole day scrolling on social media or watching TV/news but using our time in a more productive way like reaching out with a text or call to check in and encourage and/or pray for them.

Time also ties in with our talents, what gifts has God given you that you can use during this time? This makes me think of the Talents parable (Matthew 25:14-30) For example Can you do some sewing? you can help make masks and gowns like people are doing in OR, where you are they might also need supplies too and your help would be life saving.

In my life God gave me the gift of writing and Public relations, so I have been using it to reach out and get supplies for the pediatric clinic and hospitals (hence the post!), the gift of art which means I have rolls of canvas fabric in the house and have offered them up to be sewn for masks, I have the gift of flowers and because of that I had 2 boxes of latex gloves, that I promptly donated, I use them when I do foam arrangements but they need it more than I do at the moment, and I have the gift of my faith which means I can pray for all those in the medical field bravely showing up every day.

What gifts do you have? Fiscally or talents that you could help others in this time of need with?

We have the priviledge that we don’t have to put our lives at risk like they do, we can stay safe in our homes. But lets not forget we can still provide and give and support those who are in the trenches of this battle.

My hope is when I face the ultimate judgement, my master, I can say I tried to do my best with the talents I was given and not be like the slave that buried the talent out of fear.


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