The silver lining…

 Now that we are spending A LOT of time at home it is even more important than ever to focus on beauty for the sake of beauty, it really does good for the soul. When we organize the house, clean, de-clutter, etc we call that in our house “Blessing the Home” not only because it makes us feel good emotionally to be in a visually calm and nourishing environment but also because it makes us aware and reminds us of the many blessings we do have.

This keeps our hearts grounded in gratitude and praise for the faithfulness and love of God. He is always, like a loving father, providing and taking care of us. It is important for us to be grateful always and show good stewardship of those gifts granted to us.

I think there is a hidden blessing to all this madness and chaos, it is helping us get back to the basics- what is most important- it’s not the extra curricular and things that distract and keep us busy, it’s our faith, our family, our home…

We are back to praying and being true apostles using the gift of media to share our faith and reach far more people while connecting to one another with religious leaders doing Facebooklive and youtube where we have the blessing of watching Mass from our home since only 10 peopleare allowed in one place 6 feet away from one another.

We are back to cooking meals and eating them together as a family around the kitchen table, back to spending time together playing games and focusing on each other, talking to our loved ones on the phone through zoom and Google+ or writing letters to make sure they know how much we love them and check that they are ok.

We have been forced to slow down and re- evaluate our lives- is what I thought to be important really is?, some have been forced to face their shadows and not shop them or distract themselves away from it, we have found ways to remain strong by using our gifts like the amazing simstresses sewing masks and protective gear or using this time to grow, and most importantly we have been brought back to our knees we and are loved ones are in His holy hands.

Just remember to look for the good, the silver lining- what you focus on grows! Use empowering words like instead of “I HAVE TO” say “I GET TO”


Watching Sunday service at home trying to keep some normalcy making it look more formal with the table cloth the color of the day (laudate) and a crucifix and Holy Bible like recommended by our pastor.

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