support for the amazing heroes during the Corona Virus / covid_19 outbreak.
There is a challenge or invitation going around in social media latelly. It is to create hearts in honor of our doctors, nurses, and 1st responders and put them on a window of the house so people can see your support for this amazing heroes during the Corona Virus / covid_19 outbreak.
I would like to add to it by inviting you all to pray for them as you make the hearts and every time you see a heart on a window tap your heart send them love and say a prayer for them!
Fom our family we ould like to thank all the brave nurses, doctors, and 1st responders for being in the frontline, even when it means to put your life at risk for the sake of others and when you do this you show the real meaning of #love.
So, thank you for your courage and hard work, thank you for the long hours as you fight your own fears and anxiety, thank you for showing up each day to the battle, thank you for all you do. And know we will keep you all in our prayers and our hearts proudly hang on our windows for each one of you.