
Showing posts from February, 2020

New Month New Budget - Youtube

  Hi! I have shared on Instagram live how we have been doing our budget but I finally made a video for the blog explaining it. We had our budget on a spread sheet on the computer but I think this way is more effective because you are putting pen to paper and seems more real and grounding when you do. I was listening to a finance podcast from the Dave Ramsey people the other day and it had some eye oppening statistics 39% of americans can’t cover a basic emergency like car repair, tires, etc and even less a big medical emergency… make sure you have an emergency saving account you add every month to, Dave Ramsey says $1,000 but lets be honest emergencies are more than that so make sure to have more but at least that amount is something. 78% live paycheck to paycheck even those making over $100,000. The government shutdown sent about 800,000 people struggling to feed their families! What this shows is we are over spending and should have at least 3 month basic necessities saved in our...


  Today I will be saying “Good Bye” to social media for the next 40 days. Just like Jesus went to the desert and abstained from worldly things to deepen his prayer life, connection, and face temptation as Christians we are called to do the same in preparation of the most important time in our Faith. Lent is not just giving up meet on Friday’s but also abstaining from things that cloud us and distract us from the most important things. We are called to go deep and become honest with ourselves, to grow, to give up unhealthy habits (gossiping, judging, social media, comparison, self criticism, alcohol, mindless shopping, sugar…) and face the demons and temptations of worldly addictions that lead us astray, we are called back to the foundations of our faith by helping us turn from the things of this world to God—from that which will never truly satisfy, to the only one who does. I would like to invite you all to join me in using the next 40 days as a re-set and grow in what ever areas ...

The Magic

  My little one (and mostly me… to be honest lol) you are really into making “fairy houses” so far we are using stuff found in grampas garden or school playground but I did dip into our Easter Sink-Fund envelope to get some fairy house goodies to put in your Easter basket… I know, I know, it’s still month’s away but as you will someday find out, mamas are the ones that carry the special and very important job of creating the magic in their kiddos childhood  I want you to look back and smile at how your mama went along with you and “beleived” in fairies and garden angels, how we would take walks picking up treasures, then would sit together in the grass for what seemed like hours making them houses, and dreaming ways they would play and live in them… And when it is your turn to be the mama who creates the magic and re-live your childhood with your little ones. I hope you are inspired by our “adventures” and times together and you share a secret smile in your heart as the memori...

Love is...

  Love is in the little details, it’s in the sacrifices, it’s in the slow and mundane, it’s in being present and listening when they speak, it’s in the silent prayers, it’s in noticing what they like and don’t like, it’s trying again over and over when we fall short or mess up, it’s in knowing when to take over and do things because they need a break or need help. It is not just one day out of the year but shown every day in the simple, the big, the monotonous, and the hard things we do. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away...

Valentines Day

  Happy Valentine’s day! May this day serve as a reminder that you are so loved! Loved beyond measure by the one who was willing to die just for you and showers you with mercy and blessings constantly… Don’t forget to look around at all the beauty you’ve been gifted, from a beautiful sunrise, a place to live, the fresh air you breathe, and those friends and loved ones that bring joy and growth to our lives! The more we count our blessings the more aware we are and the more we start to notice them everywhere! like the saying “what you focus on grows” start focusing on the love and blessings that surround you and make sure to spread that love to others so you can serve as an instrument of God in spreading joy and kindness and be a blessing to others Luz

The unspoken message of baked goods

  On monday we baked pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and bread for snacks. We used the pumpkins from our fall decoration, I always cook them after fall is done and freeze the pure for later in the year. I find that that it is way more cost effective to make my own snacks and I can use it as a way to spend quality time and make memories with my little one. There’s nothing wrong with the mama’s that buy snacks (I also have a stash of granola and apple sauce pouches) but I have always wanted to be that mom and eventually that grandma that always has bakes goodies for her loved ones and when they get to my home I can serve them a slice of my love in a plate along with a cup of tea or coffee. There’s an unspoken message, I think, that baked goods carry they say I took time out of my schedule for just you, I took time to find a recipe, to gather the ingredients, mix them, keep an eye on the oven, etc- just for you because you matter, I care about you, and I love you. It is fun to have ore...

The most challenging job we will ever have…

  Parenting is deffinitelly the most challenging job we will ever have. Kids are not born with manuals and we rely on our own history as a way to navigate the murky waters because we don’t know what we are doing and I would like to beleive we are honestly doing the best we can. But a lot of times we fail to realize that we can ask the one who created the little person in the first place for help and guidance, we need to rely on God. Sometimes our humanness tends to get in the way and we can loose track of what is really important. I fight with that every day, it’s only notmal. Then I remember I was given this kid because God knew I was the perfect mother for her and she will help me grow and evolve by being be proactive in learning new things so I can handle each stage (hi potty training, tantrums, and awkward conversations), having to sacrifice my time and sometimes sleep, getting on my knees to surrender control and relaying on a power grater than mine, to die to myself and my de...

Last night’s “Aha moment”

  Last night a reader’s comment was really getting under my skin but I tried letting it go and going to bed. About what seemed like an eternity, probably 10 mins, I decided to pray and hand it over to our heavenly father. As I prayed I said “I surrender this thoughts and feelings and issue to you, please take them so I can sleep”. Not much time later I could see in my mind this image of what I imagine Jesus looks like smiling and almost laughing but with a kind face (that one a super loving patient parent would give it’s little toddler) and saying “ok, I’ll take it but you have to actually open your hands and give it to me” and I saw myself there standing in front of Him clenching something in my hands so tight they looked like fists. I opened my eyes and started laughing! That was so spot on! how many times do we surrender something to God only to keep holding on to it and marinating in it? it’s like: here take it but I’m not letting you take it because I don’t want to let go but ...

My views on the Superbowl Half time show…

  Ok guys massive rant coming but I can’t help it I need to speak up and I am sure some of you won’t agree with me and that’s ok. I was so dissapointed with the half time superbowl show, it’s insulting! If I don’t want my husband to go to a strip club and be aroused by other women dancing half naked on a pole why in the world would I be ok with that on tv? I get people who are their fan’s, fine go pay to see them in concerts, you know what you are paying for you have the choice (like people who payed to watch game of thrones) but for families and friends gathered together to be thrown that in their faces on a “family friendly” sports show?! I feel sorry for so many guys who struggle with porn addiction and couples that struggle with that issue and here is culture rubbing it in their faces. I would be so mad for my son (if I had one) to be introduced to it in tv like that or my daughter to see that and think it’s ok. Seems like women want to be empowered but the only way they think ...

How far I have come…

  Yesterday I voiced my disappointment on the superbowl half time show and as I was reading the comments on facebook someone from my past said something that triggered me, something along the lines of who are you to talk. It sent me on a spiral but then I stopped and really thought about it. Yes, I used to be different, I used to be consumed by the misguided culture, I fell into the trap of finding my identity and my idea of happiness outside of me, drinking even though it made me sick in order to feel like I fit in, allowing abusive friendships and relationships and accept crumbs because I was looking for some kind of love and acceptance. It wasn’t until I realized the peace and happiness I was looking for was no where to be found that I stopped and and took a good look at my life, my actions, my beliefs… me. I realized I am worth more than that, I am worthy of real wholesome friendships that build not mock, destroy, and bully. I am worthy a man that loves and accepts me for who I...