New Month New Budget - Youtube
Hi! I have shared on Instagram live how we have been doing our budget but I finally made a video for the blog explaining it. We had our budget on a spread sheet on the computer but I think this way is more effective because you are putting pen to paper and seems more real and grounding when you do. I was listening to a finance podcast from the Dave Ramsey people the other day and it had some eye oppening statistics 39% of americans can’t cover a basic emergency like car repair, tires, etc and even less a big medical emergency… make sure you have an emergency saving account you add every month to, Dave Ramsey says $1,000 but lets be honest emergencies are more than that so make sure to have more but at least that amount is something. 78% live paycheck to paycheck even those making over $100,000. The government shutdown sent about 800,000 people struggling to feed their families! What this shows is we are over spending and should have at least 3 month basic necessities saved in our...