What is up with Fancy Nancy?
Lately our little one is obsessed with Fancy Nancy and honestly the stories are quite fun… and I still think so even after reading them over and over and over again. But as I read them they started to get to me, the whole over sexualization of our girls… have you noticed it lately? Going shopping after the cute toddler stage is a nightmare! With a wide array of mini skirts and micro shorts makes me want to hide inside of the clothes rack and cry, where did all the cute stuff go? Ok ok, back to my story… tonight I had enough! I grabbed a set or markers and a black pen and gave this children’s beloved character a makeover, well at least in our book. And I honestly think Fancy Nancy looks way cuter now! Mama’s we have the duty to raise the little souls entrusted to us, to protect them, guide them, and keep them safe physically, emotionally, and mentally. We need to raise them to respect their bodies and to see their innate beauty. We as women don’t need to be flaunting everything God gave...