What a morning of swapping recipies taught me...

Today I am cultivating joy by spending time with our aunt! We are swapping recipes, drinking iced tea, and sharing funny stories and laughing until our bellies hurt!
I have been thinking a lot about her lately because it's summer... the time when the sun shines brightest and the days are longer, when we get to spend our days playing outside, wear shorts and sun dresses, weekend picnnics and bbq with friends and family, sunscreen and pools, you know the time of year we look forward to all winter long.

Except for our aunt, she has a rare skin condition that won't let her be out in the sun or she gets sick, so she misses out on all the summer fun, she has to stay inside from April until November 😕 could you imagine that? being stuck inside all summer with the shades closed?) 

So I decided I would spend some time with her, I think she probably gets sad and lonely not being able to leave the house, I know I would. And after spending a few hours (time flies when having fun) when I left I felt so happy!
It's funny how when you do things for others, even if it's just spending a little bit of time with them, with the goal to brighten their day you end up feeling a heart warming joy for the rest of the day and week.

I think that is why in cognitive behavioural therapy they recommend to people that are suffering from deppression to go out and volunteer, give of yourself and you will fill yourself ... 

I would like to invite you to think of someone who you can give a little bit of your time to and go brighten their day (even if it's helping someone put their groceries in the car) it doesn't have to take much 

and feel free to tag #letscultivatejoy so we can spread the joy! 😄 and as always I want to encourage you to comment below with your thoughts 💕


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