Be Still...
A peek inside my journal today... this page is a little pep talk after I wrote down all the things that are making me anxious and realizing how most of them I have no control over, so they have been placed in God's list now.
This year is deffinitelly a year of growth for me, one giant "Holy Assignment" (like I like to call tough situations God places in our lives for us to grow) where I am being stretched in unimaginable ways, sending me on my knees over and over as it reminds me to surrender and trust...
"Be still and know that I am God"
psalm 46:10
I remind myself that
Being still isn't about relaxing, it's about resting our anxious hearts.
It means to let go, relax our grip, let that some thing fall of our hands, to let go of our plans and embrace His, trust He will hold us through it all
I can relax my white-knuckled grip, need to control, wanting to do it my own way, relaying on my own strenth, and lay my burdens at the foot of the cross, to trust His way is perfect, and know that I can rest safe and secure on Him.
I will be still..