Why save the beautiful things?
I don’t know why I tend to save my pretty things and not use them! I actually don’t think I’m the only one that does this… do you?
I have been making an effort and forcing myself to actually use those things in random every day life, even if I have no where to go or people over, I keep repeating myself “I’m not wasting that dress using it for being at home or my fancy tea cups/china for eatting breakfast…”
Last year I learned with my sister’s sudden departure from this life we don’t know when our last day will be so what are we saving our nice stuff for?
When I went to help with her belongings it hit me like a ton of bricks if WE don’t enjoy our beautiful things or use them someone else will or they will be discarded or sent to a donation shop… so what is the point of leaving things in a cubert or a box or the closet if we really like them? Yes, the dress will get used up and the china will get chipped but it also got loved and enjoyed!
This is why even though it makes me twitch I let my little one use her nice dress to go grocery shopping and random stuff because she will grow out of it and how sad to only have used it one or two times for special occasions…
We should use our things, use the nice china, use the beautiful clothes even if it’s around the house instead of ragged/stained/sweat pants/pajamas/etc, use our jewelry and make up, our nice sleepwear…
So repeat after me “maybe no one else will get to see it or use it with me but I do, I get to see ME and be with ME and enjoy using it and isn’t that important? Don’t I matter? I do!” And enjoy those beautiful things while you are alive and celebrate each new day you get to live this amazing life by surrounding yourself with the things you love instead of saving them or thinking for “one day when…”!
From now on I’ll be enjoying my morning coffee and afternoon tea in the beautiful cups that I love and found at Goodwill (slight tea cup obsession) instead of saving it for some day… because why not? I’m alive and I matter so I will celebrate that with every sip I take!
Surround yourself with beautiful things. Life has a lot of grey and sadness — look for that rainbow and frame it. There is beauty in everything, sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see it.” ~ Charlotte Kitley