Creating Joy in your everyday day
The secret to life is creating joy where you are right now and even though it is a matter of mindset (inner world) there are things you can do in your outside world to help create those thoughts and feelings.
Getting flowers for your home is one of those things. People often think “why spend $ and time in something that is going to die?” Even though flowers seem impractical and senseless they are not, those simple pleasures & non-essentials are what makes life worth living.
They create joy and with that a wave of actions. Think for a moment your desk full of papers and clutter how do you feel and what thoughts run thought your head? Stressed? Overwhelm? Now take all stuff away and put a vase of flowers now how do you feel? Joy? Inspiration? Beauty? Same with a dinning room table empty with nothing on it vs with a vase or small jar of flowers, it instantly transforms the energy and atmosphere of the space.
You don’t need a lot of $, it’s about awareness, staying mindful how your environment impacts how you feel and those thoughts are creating your life.
Our homes are the place we live in, a refuge from the world, why not make it a welcoming, beautiful, and inspiring place? Or your office? Flowers are an easy way to create joy and you will see once you become aware of the how that impacts your life you’ll be more intentional in creating it and adding it into everything you do like for example lighting a candle and play some beautiful jazz as you cook dinner or do dishes and notice how the atmosphere in your home and yourself changes.
Don’t wait for your significant other to get you flowers, even though it’s great when they do, they don’t quite understand how they make us feel, how beauty can speak to our soul, that outer world/inner world connection. That is because we as women have been gifted with that feminine genious that can make a house into a home & create a welcoming atmosphere because we are more aware of those little details in life. So go get yourself some & place them where you will see them often and notice how you feel.
If you live in Southern Oregon & are interested in getting flowers send me a message but if you live anywhere else in the country and world you can join my Patreon page by clicking here and for my supporters I will be posting videos & tutorials for you to create beautiful arrangements for your home!