Happy Fall!
Hi guys, I know I haven’t blogged here since 2014! I ended up switching to blogspot but I am having a hard time uploading photos there with the app and as a busy mama I work better with apps than turning on my archaic computer
So let’s see how this goes and maybe I’ll set up camp here again! Whohooo crossing fingers (update I did! just brought my blog archives here… happy reading!)
Oh, yes that’s right I almost forgot to explain the flowers lol turns out I decided to stop waiting on my dream of opening a flower shop someday and went ahead and opened it this January and I am having the best time ever playing with flowers and bringing joy to people with each delivery! If you want to more find me in Instagram @luz_voehl and don’t forget to say hi!
Oh and I will be following my hubby’s advise and make the posts like they are letters to my little one!