Emotional struggles and giving
This past few weeks I have been struggling emotionally and I realized it's because I have been too busy focusing on my problems, my frustrations, what I need to do tomorrow, etc. I have gotten caught up in ME and that is a sure formula for discouragement and depression. I went to confession and the priest sent me to give more, I was left in a frustrated state lol I already give, why would he tell me that?! What was the point of the Holy Spirit telling me this when it has nothing to do with my emotional struggle!?, I clearly didn't get it at the time, I felt like it didn't apply at all to me (and I was very annoyed... ask my hubby lol) BUT didn't take long to show me what He meant thanks to a friend sticking a wooden spoon in a box of old vases she gave me...
My sister had a collection of spoons, she had spoons from all around the world and would have loved this one from Africa, and when she passed in such an unnexpected and surprising way the biggest lesson I learned from it is to focus on what really matters in the end- loving people, creating memories, being there- not the money, not the stuff, not the titles, success or wordly things. This little spoon was a reminder and an answer- He didn't mean for to give more money or more things (I still will anyways) but give of ME.
It was a reminder that no matter how big our problems are someone else has a bigger problem, a tougher road, a heavier cross to carry and we can make a difference in someone's life, ease their burden, give them hope... give a smile, a hug, an act of service, a cake, a letter... someone needs what you have to share, someone needs your love, someone needs your friendship, someone needs your smile, someone needs your encouragement...
And in my case I know someone needs my sisterly love... the encouragement, the care, the help, the love I would have given my sister in her physical form, I was too blind to see because my eyes were on me, but now I that was guided and reminded of this truth I know what I need to do 💕
How about you?!
Luz Voehl