Advise to my younger self...
If I could give my younger self advise it would be: "its ok to be different, dare to be an original, be secure in who God made you to be and be the best you can be. Don't let people pressure you, convince you to put aside your values, or make you feel bad about yourself because you don't fit in their mold or image of who they think you should be. You don't have to look or act like everyone else. God has given each person different gifts, talents, and personalities on purpose and for a purpose. You were created to be YOU and be confident in who you are. It's OK to be YOU! God made you that way on purpose"
Ufff that would have saved me a lot of trouble, heart aches, and mistakes/bruises a long the way. BUT I would not be where I am today mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and fiscally if I hadn't learned from those lessons... I Don't regret my past, I see it with compassion and appreciation as the great teacher it was and is. We all have a path to walk, mistakes to make (if at some point in my past I ever hurt you or offended you, I'm sorry), lessons to learn and grow from, and the best thing we can do is trust God, seek wise council, and be connected to the Holy Spirit- our inner guidance system (mine eventually kicked me back in gear lol probably after I learned what I needed to 😆 and it's still guiding me through my lessons just more gently now that I am more aware, connected, and in constant re-alignment- good thing U turns exist lol)