What Really Makes the Holidays Special...

by Lucy Voehl

The Holidays are a very special time of year, its when we can fully share and express our love with our loved ones. We tend to do this with little details, kind words, gifts, and cookies (lots of cookies). They are also a time for reunions and get-togethers with friends and family, share stories, laughter, joy, and sometimes chaos. But for most of us Holidays mean rushing, to-do lists, hustling, and stress.

We should make it a priority during this Holiday season to focus on what is important, to be present, to be mindful, to be fully there not only fiscally but mentally and spiritually with those around us. We should slow down, let go of perfection- yes, forget making it the "Perfect Holidays"- and concentrate more in the people in our lives. Bring back traditions that used to make us happy this time of year and filled us with joy, forgive and let go of past hurts, extend a warm thought, prayer, or words with those who have been in our lives but for some reason or another have drifted away, share a smile with people that pass you by, give to the needy and donate to the poor, bring comfort to the lonely- this time of year can be a very sad and painful time for people, be patient and understanding with our relatives- it can be a challenge sometimes but concentrate in their positive traits when they are driving you crazy, let go of negativity, when things don't go as planned roll with the punches and just laugh about it-what else can you do?, do not to argue but focus on being the glue that keeps people together, instead of complaining be proactive, most importantly be kind to one another and spend actual quality time together... All this is what really makes the Holidays special!

I am going to try my best to apply all these- specially to let go of perfection and roll with the punches-  and would like to invite you all to join me in this challenge... to really make the Holidays special... and if we fail, be patient and kind with ourselves too

Happy Holidays!

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