Easy small batch spiced apple butter!
Hi dear one! Today I decided to share my precious (channeling lord of the rings here- youur cousins would be proud of me lol) easy small batch spiced apple butter recipe It’s small batch because well by now you know I can’t stop myself from stuffing English muffins lathered with it, so I guess is more for my own good I use the slow cooker because as a mom it has become my best friend, I’m sure you will relate (it will take a few years but you’ll get there too) Our friend from “tea with toddlers” blessed us with a bag of extra apples today after her tea partt… if you read their post you will understand why they were, well, done with apples LOL so that means more spiced apple butter for us whohooo This recipe can be canned, if you double or triple it but since it’s small it’s not worth it (shhh don’t tell anyone- specially grampa- but I’m still terrified to can, I need someone to come to my house and walk me through it like I’m 5 lol) what I do is I fr...