This season
"This season I am learning to be ok with the unknown, to be at peace with the mystery, to trust that God is leading me right where I need to be, that I will heal the way I need to heal, grow the way I am meant to grow, that I will learn the way I am meant to learn. To surrender and trust that I am taken care of, being watched over and guided by an entity far greater and powerful than I can comprehend, thay it's in charge, it's in control. That I am surrounded by light and love, that there is a plan far greater than I can imagine..." Luz Voehl.
Today is 3 months since the unexpected death of my big sister and it feels like it was an eternity ago since we have been dealing with getting hit by viruses and sickness week after week since January. I know all I can do is trust that there is a purpose to all the things that we go through, theres lessons to be learned, theres growth from every experience including the painful ones, and there are miracles to be found in all.