All relationships are assignments...

This week I was reminded of a quote that says something along the lines of "there are no chance encounters" and intensified my belief that all relationships are assignments sent our way to show us what we need to heal and get back to love.

I sold a book on ebay, a super pretty coffee table book, we'd never used it in perfect condition and not only it got lost in the mail but it got banged up. So the lady kept complaining and asked for a refund. Even though it was not my fault that the mail service banged up the book I offered partial refund because I put myself in her shoes and well it is a sucky situation, so this way I was keeping the money spent on the shipping and she was getting the rest back. But she kept complaining and asking for full refund and the situation kept going and the longer it dragged out the more it kept rising all this negative emotions and thoughts that were taking me down a dark place.

When I realized I was getting out of alignment with God, out of the light and into the dark, I got honest with myself. I started analyzing my thoughts around the situation and with curiosity approaching "why am I getting triggered?" Until I realized it was all FEAR. I was holding on to the drama not letting it go for fear of lack, because I didn't want to loose those 5$ for shipping. I was allowing myself to cover my eyes with fear and that was not allowing me to see the light. I realized that I was not trusting God and that He would provide and take care of us. I was choosing fear not love.

Because I am a beleiver everyone we come in contact with is to help us grow somehow and I oppened myself to receiving the teaching I was able to let go and get back to the light, joy, love space instead of spiraling more into that dark resentful, judgmental, angry place. 

So once I realized what was going on i decided to refund her the whole thing, trust it will be ok to just let go of that money and send her on her way with a blessing and love (and if by any chance she reads this know that I thank you for helping me grow and I am sending you lots of love). By doing this I let go of the weight that I was carrying around, worry and anxiety caused by constantly thinking "what to do" and just like that I felt free, I was able to go back to a happy and joyful space, again in alignment with God and took my hands out of my eyes allowing myself to see the light and oppening my awareness to see all the miracles around me. And by being back in that place of surrender and trust, I'm not kidding guys, that same day I sold a painting for 100$.

So if someone in your life brings funky yucky feelings in you or a random person is rude to you rather than lashing out or judging them take it as an opportunity to ask God (or the universe, higher power, what ever you call it) show you what you need to learn or heal in you or your past  and help you perceive the person with love no matter what feelings they are bringing up in you. And bless them, send them love, send them light, send them good vibes/energy (or what ever you call it) and make the choice to get back to the light, joyful, loving space where you are in alignment with God and open to seing and receiving the miracles constantly being sent to you that you would miss seing if you kept your hands covering your eyes keeping you  in the dark.

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