oh, hello old friend... we meet again
Yep, it's me, once more popping in this little corner of the internet after a few years since using this blog.
Why am I back? Well in a nutshell I decided a while ago to take a break from Instagram, it's been a few months now since my last post there. I used that platform as a mini blog mainly because I enjoyed posting beautiful pictures and it also gave me the chance to write recipes, fun tips, life musings, and shenanigans plus make friends.
But I started to feel burned out with all the changes and I also noticed It started sucking me in more. I lost so much precious time in it instead of providing a place to express myself.
It has been quite interesting to see how social media has changed over the years. Mainly Instagram (but the same applies to facebook and youtube), where artists used to share beautiful pictures. My feed was a place of beauty and inspiration. And now it has morphed into a tiktock-ish mini facebook with video clips, "influencers" convincing us to buy things in order to get this perfect curated unrealistic life, a place where we can fall in the temptation to compare ourselves to others, waste time, breed discontent, fuel negative emotions, plus a temptation to peek into someone elses life and honestly if unchecked making me miss living my own.
The fascinating thing is that when I decided to give it up one of the most shocking things that happened was coming to the realization, or more like accepting it because it was always in the back of my mind, that maybe I had a slight social media addiction. I noticed that every spare moment I had instead of grabbing a book or doing something that fulfilled me like painting, taking photos, getting stuff done around the house, journaling, being present with my loved ones and friends, coming up with ways to live a rich fulfilling life and make memories I was reaching for my phone to go on facebook/Instagram/youtube... even when I had eraised them, I still reached for my phone...
I think we could all do the experiment to log off and not use any social media for a month and see for yourself how hard it is! we've becomed so used to it and depend on constant entertainment, making sitting in silence incredibly uncomfortable, or maybe it's just me? Let me know below if you have done this and your thoughts about it.
It is quite a conundrum though because there are still a few accounts that do inspire me, a few friends I like to catch up with and stay connected, and I find that when I am not checking facebook I miss out on events going on in town or birthdays and playdates... but is is really worthwhile to stick around? Not sure, to be quite honest.
I have been making an effort to make sure I follow the blogs to those accounts and friends, if they still have them, funny thing is seems like there is a blog revival going on, maybe people are feeling the same as me? Who knows why but it is something I'm very happy about. There is something about blogging that seems more personal, if you want to catch up on the person's life you get a more meaningful dose and it's finite, no endless scrolling, it's a mindful moment and set aside on purpose to read what they post, not done mindlessly, but a planned time dedicated to that and then you move on. I have honestly missed blogs, how about you?
The other hard thing, maybe it's just an excuse, is I wouldn't be reaching out so many people or any for that matter if I just stick to this little corner of the internet but I have to remind myself in the end what matters is I'm writing for me, to express myself, share my love of photography regardless of whether people read it or not, in the end that is of no importance... it is my creative outlet.
I did have my blog active for a while in Wordpress a few years ago but then they didn't let me keep blogging unless I payed an annual fee, specially if using photos. And well that defeated the purpose, my main thing is sharing my love for photography, and that's one of the reason why I went back on instagram that time... but I have gotten to the conclusion that I will be slowly migrating to this blog and moving my posts from that blog and Instagram to this one, so you might see some of my old posts and maybe get bombarded with notifications when I move things but just hang in there and maybe have some fun walking down memory lane with me as I relive in a way all those memories as I post them again.
I invite you when you sit to read my blog posts to serve yourself a nice cup of tea or your favorite beverage, let's pretend we are catching up as we sit in my kitchen table and take this time together to relax, laugh, inspire one another, and I hopefully be recharged, like taking a big breath of fresh air, before going back to the crazy.
With love