Week 3 of Advent- JOY

This week as we light the 3rd candle (pink) on our Advent Wreaths we get to ponder on Joy.

Sometimes life can feel like a battle for joy because well life is hard and to be honest joy is not our natural reaction to the stresses we encounter in our every day to day. We are incredibly tempted to look for joy in the external like the celebrations, traditions, gifts and things rather than on God. And when we do this we fall victims to comparison and discontent takes over our hearts sending us into a dark spiral where we end up feeling void and blah, and it is incredibly hard to come out of, I am sure you know if you've ever been there like me.

But the secret of joy is that it is a matter of focus, lets focus on Jesus, and not of worldly things. We are the gatekeepers of our heart, our minds, and our lives. So as we light this third candle let it burn away all that weighs us down, things that in the grand scheme of things don't really matter, worries, insecurities, and focus on all the blessings and love that God has given us and let joy fill our hearts, minds, and souls because we are infinitely loved.


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