Mindful Relationships- Family Dynamics and Expectations
By Lucy Voehl I still can’t believe Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means we are in the Holiday season! This is the time we normally get together to spend with our family where laughter, joy, and chaos surround us. Let’s be honest, we have all been there, in a family gathering with that one- or more than one- relative that drive us crazy, or that one person who seems to love conflict and thrive in drama, or maybe we are the ones who drive others bunkers. Sometimes our first instinct is to blame others but very few times we stop and think that some of our attitudes and behaviors might be adding to the situation. I write this article for all you guys out there (and for me) with the best intentions to help avoid tension and enjoy the time with our families. First we need to understand we are all different, we were made with different temperaments and personalities, that’s what keeps life interesting right? But because of that some temperaments just don’t ma...