
Showing posts from 2016

The Eternal Battle with Dissatisfaction

I know I know it's the Holidays, I should keep writing about related things but most people fail to realize dissatisfaction can be a big part of this season. This is the time of year where we see our friends having amazing vacations on Facebook, Instagram is filled with perfect baking and cookies,  and Pinterest with home made ornaments, decorations, "traditions" to do... and we start comparing our lives with what we see in social media. This article applies to every day life but I thought it would be appropriate for this time of year... enjoy! Many of us struggle with dissatisfaction, whether it’s a constant battle or it shows up every once in a while, we can all relate. Dissatisfaction can be sneaky and if we let it, it can get a hold of us making us feel discouraged, frustrated, annoyed, and unhappy with the life we have. This usually tends to happen when we focus mostly on the idea of how things are or were supposed to be and we don’t realize that what we have...

Mindful Relationships- Family Dynamics and Expectations

  By Lucy Voehl I still can’t believe Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means we are in the Holiday season! This is the time we normally get together to spend with our family where laughter, joy, and chaos surround us. Let’s be honest, we have all been there, in a family gathering with that one- or more than one- relative that drive us crazy, or that one person who seems to love conflict and thrive in drama, or maybe we are the ones who drive others bunkers. Sometimes our first instinct is to blame others but very few times we stop and think that some of our attitudes and behaviors might be adding to the situation. I write this article for all you guys out there (and for me) with the best intentions to help avoid tension and enjoy the time with our families. First we need to understand we are all different, we were made with different temperaments and personalities, that’s what keeps life interesting right? But because of that some temperaments just don’t ma...

What Really Makes the Holidays Special...

by Lucy Voehl The Holidays are a very special time of year, its when we can fully share and express our love with our loved ones. We tend to do this with little details, kind words, gifts, and cookies (lots of cookies). They are also a time for reunions and get-togethers with friends and family, share stories, laughter, joy, and sometimes chaos. But for most of us Holidays mean rushing, to-do lists, hustling, and stress. We should make it a priority during this Holiday season to focus on what is important, to be present, to be mindful, to be fully there not only fiscally but mentally and spiritually with those around us. We should slow down, let go of perfection- yes, forget making it the "Perfect Holidays"- and concentrate more in the people in our lives. Bring back traditions that used to make us happy this time of year and filled us with joy, forgive and let go of past hurts, extend a warm thought, prayer, or words with those who have been in our lives but for some rea...

How to handle a difference of opinion...

*I would like to highlight that this blog is not for politics but I can't help but be amazed at the aggressive behavior and words happening between friends, families, and the whole world, yes in this case a difference of opinion affects all our lives and all we can do is have faith and pray for the best!* by Lucy Voehl Unless you have been living under a rock (If so, I envy you) you are aware that the US has a new elected president. To be honest, in my opinion, both the candidates were terrible choices, but oh well. I had to get my opinion out there to prove that all of us have opinions and we have them about everything not just the elections. We are all different, think different, have different likes and dislikes, and have different temperaments as well, so its only normal that friction arises when we carry a conversation with one another, specially with people we are related to like friends and family members. The important thing to keep in mind that there is no way around...

Letting Go...

  “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell I struggle so much with this and I am guessing many of you do as well… letting go… giving up the idea we have of control, when I say the idea its because we don’t really have control even though we would like to think and believe we do. I stumbled into this with motherhood… WHAT a revelation… as a type A personality and recovering perfectionist I can tell you it has not been easy. Being a mama has taught me I don’t have control and plans change, I might be able to have a slight control and still try to plan things like dinner, laundry, date nights (THOSE are important to plan) etc, and even then I am reminded – let go of the plan- when there are days where the lil’ one is teething with lots of crying and whining, dinner pretty much goes out the window and that means grab the phone and order a pizza, because this mama has not had a c...

Letting go...

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell I struggle so much with this and I am guessing many of you do as well... letting go... giving up the idea we have of control, when I say the idea its because we don't really have control even though we would like to think and believe we do. I stumbled into this with motherhood... WHAT a revelation... as a type A personality and recovering perfectionist I can tell you it has not been easy. Being a mama has taught me I don't have control and plans change, I might be able to have a slight control and still try to plan things like dinner, laundry, date nights (THOSE are important to plan) etc, and even then I am reminded - let go of the plan- when there are days where the lil' one is teething with lots of crying and whining, dinner pretty much goes out the window and that means grab the phone and order a pizza, because this mama has not ...