
The BIG question

In our house we are navigating the waters of childhood slowly merging into adulthood with all it's challenges. We've all been there so we all know, even if you are not a parent, what I mean.  Today we sat down and had the very powerful conversation of the QUESTION, the compass conversation if you will. This I didn't know until my 30s. But oh what a poweful tool it is, and it's never too late to apply it to ourselves and teach it to the next generation. I have talked about it many times before but it's always good to do a refresher... Taking time to ask ourselves "Who do you want to be? how does that person think? and what does that person say, do, behave, etc?" and take a big honest look at our habits and what we need to change in order to live that way.   A lot of times we are so distracted putting out fires or just our daily lives that we forget to live on purpose, we forget we have the choice. Like I was telling my daughter, and remind mysel

The Rose Cups

A friend the other day shared she was in a thrift shop and they had these beautiful bone china cups from England for sale at 2$ each. I commented how beautiful they were and she went back to the shop to save them for me. How sweet is that? Ofcourse I had to get them after that! Not only did she have them in a cart but also padded them to make sure they did not chip as I browsed the shop.  This one act of kidness reminded me... what is the point of this life?... others... help, pray, invite, encourage, and love others. With our words and with our actions we are communicating to other's constantly and what we should be saying is "I see you, you matter, you are loved". After I got home all excited about my cups, and if you know me by now you can imagine it. Baby got ahold of one and my lovely daughter got mad because she did not want him to break it. I get it, I did not want him to break it either, BUT like I told her also reminding myself at the same time " if he does,