Letting Go...
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell I struggle so much with this and I am guessing many of you do as well… letting go… giving up the idea we have of control, when I say the idea its because we don’t really have control even though we would like to think and believe we do. I stumbled into this with motherhood… WHAT a revelation… as a type A personality and recovering perfectionist I can tell you it has not been easy. Being a mama has taught me I don’t have control and plans change, I might be able to have a slight control and still try to plan things like dinner, laundry, date nights (THOSE are important to plan) etc, and even then I am reminded – let go of the plan- when there are days where the lil’ one is teething with lots of crying and whining, dinner pretty much goes out the window and that means grab the phone and order a pizza, because this mama has not had a c...